Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My kids at Joann's Fabrics

Need I say anything...

Memorial Day-Utah

Over Memorial Day weekend, we traveled to Utah to see Mark's family.  We went to the Tracy Aviary and saw a ton of cool birds.  We went to church at Grandpa Schoenie's singles ward where Bryce made the most noise of anyone and we went and saw the BYU campus.  We even got to go to a Johnson family reunion in Mapleton, UT.  The kids had a lot of fun at that!
Cousin Zack-goofing

Tracy Aviary

Rori and the swan

Cousin O and Bryce

Look at those crazy birds



Face painting and face stickers from the reunion

Tie one on

Rori and Bryce have been playing with Mark's ties lately and love to have one to wear.  The whole family got in on it.