Sunday, April 3, 2011

Goin' wild on Spring Break! part 2

We were able to go to Miles City for a few days over Spring Break!  It was a lot of fun.  We were able to go to a magic show with Jay Owenhouse.  Rylie is into magic right now and really liked it.  She even got his autograph.  We saw chicks, ducklings, and turkeys.  We were able to pet rabbits and guinea pigs, eat cotton candy ice cream (even Bryce got some), watch some Wizard of Oz, and even bottle feed some lambs.  Lots and lots of fun!

The lambs ran up to us like puppies.

Rori with Grandpa feeding Fancy

Not sure who is being fed


Riki said...

looks like fun! Is that at your parent's house, or did you go to a farm?

Schoenfelds said...

Not my parents. We went to a farm of a man I used to work for in college! He and his wife have sheep, goats, and an alpaca named Robert! My parents only have birds, no lambs!

Kara Snarr said...

What a fun time!! I can't wait to see some of Rylie's magic.