Sunday, September 18, 2011

Spokane Trip part 3-photos

The white dot on the right is me, Mark took this of me so you could see the scenery.  I had no idea a  very steep hill was just around the bend!

This was before we started.  This photo was taken prior to 6:15 am!  Love Nichole's hair!

We stopped for some fuel.  Heather apparently was all about the safety at dinner as well as running!

We made it to the finish eventually.  We were the last team to cross, but not the last team time wise.  Yeah!


Montana Wilkins said...

I don't envy you the running part of this little adventure, but everything else about looks like a lot of fun! What a wonderful bunch of girls!

mtduckgirl said...

You are amazing!! Seriously. That is a monumental feat in my book! Way to go!

Denise Harvey said...
